Removing Baby Skunks

Removal of the Kentucky baby skunk is a job that should be handled by the professionals. However, if you are planning to complete a DIY project, be sure that you are armed with the equipment and knowledge. Understand that the baby skunk will be fully armed with spray, so you must be careful in dealing with them. They also have sharp claws and teeth that will make this task dangerous to those who lack the necessary experience.

Getting Rid of the Lexington Baby Skunks in Your Yard
The most effective way to avoid this type of situation is through simple habitat modification. By eliminating the access of the mother animal to the obscure space in your house especially during the nesting season, you can discourage them from denning in your property. However, if there are already baby skunks in your yard, there are simple things that you need to keep in mind when removing the animal.

Protect Yourself
Baby Lexington skunks are born blind and it will take a couple of weeks before they will finally open their eyes. Nonetheless, skunks have a poor eyesight and will spray just about anything. In order to successfully remove them from your property, you will have to remain protected from their spray. You should not handle them with your barehand. The spray of the baby skunk will be as potent as the spray of the adult skunk. The best way to capture them is with the use of blanket. While maintaining a distance on the animal, throw the blanket directly at them. Cover the edge of the blanket to prevent them from escaping. Scoop the blanket and place the animal on the cage or a container.

Placing in the Cage
If you are planning to keep the animal on the cage, you will have to keep them calm. Cover the cage with a blanket that will resemble the setting of their natural den. If the babies are fully capable to survive on their own, you may release them. Follow the local policy when relocating the creature to increase their rate of survival. You may also call the assistance of the rehabilitation center to assist you in dealing with this matter.

Excluding the Skunks
Most professionals will agree that the best way to avoid a visit from the skunk is by excluding them with the use of barriers. Surrounding the space under your house with a chicken wire or with a hardware cloth will remove their access from our property. Skunk also tend to occupy the burrows of other animals. Once you are sure that the burrow has been abandoned, fill the holes with gravel and stones before sealing them with dirt. Remove the piles of debris in your yard that the animal can use as hiding places.

The mother skunk can spray when defending her kids. They can also have nasty bites and scratches that may cause serious wounds. They may carry rabies and other diseases that can be transmitted to your pets and to your family members.

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